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World missions and the Holy Spirit

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George Verwer


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...We can't talk about world missions unless we talk about the Holy Spirit of God. Even there in Acts 13, they were waiting upon God. The Holy Spirit said. Oh, that's wild, isn't it? The Holy Spirit said, Separate me, Paul, and Barnabas, two of the top men, two of the top men in the whole Church of God. God said, Boom. They're going. The Church sent them. The Holy Spirit sent. God is wanting to speak by His Spirit. Yes. Here, during these days, he can say to you, Boom. Mongolia. He can say to you, yes. 10 40 windows. He can say to you, yes. Americans, wherever the Holy Spirit is still speaking to people individually.


Mar 13th, 11:00 AM

World missions and the Holy Spirit

...We can't talk about world missions unless we talk about the Holy Spirit of God. Even there in Acts 13, they were waiting upon God. The Holy Spirit said. Oh, that's wild, isn't it? The Holy Spirit said, Separate me, Paul, and Barnabas, two of the top men, two of the top men in the whole Church of God. God said, Boom. They're going. The Church sent them. The Holy Spirit sent. God is wanting to speak by His Spirit. Yes. Here, during these days, he can say to you, Boom. Mongolia. He can say to you, yes. 10 40 windows. He can say to you, yes. Americans, wherever the Holy Spirit is still speaking to people individually.