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Is There Punishment After Death?

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Walter Wilson


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We consider together today a very important question that comes up so very often in the lives of many people. The question is, is there punishment after death? Every kind of a person nearly wants to know about it. And naturally so, because as we go through life, we realize that we sin. And we sin very often in thought and word and deed. And right away the heart asks the question, will I be punished for it or can I fix it up so in this life that I'll not be punished in the next life? Well, beloved, there are two answers to it. One is there is no punishment in the next life for the Christian. The other one is there is terrible punishment for the sinner. Now, you'll notice that the Bible is clear on this.


Jan 26th, 7:00 PM

Is There Punishment After Death?


We consider together today a very important question that comes up so very often in the lives of many people. The question is, is there punishment after death? Every kind of a person nearly wants to know about it. And naturally so, because as we go through life, we realize that we sin. And we sin very often in thought and word and deed. And right away the heart asks the question, will I be punished for it or can I fix it up so in this life that I'll not be punished in the next life? Well, beloved, there are two answers to it. One is there is no punishment in the next life for the Christian. The other one is there is terrible punishment for the sinner. Now, you'll notice that the Bible is clear on this.