Presentation Title

How God Fills Us Up at Low Points of Life: Session 1

Presenter Information

Jill Briscoe


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Jill is going to speak on Elijah this morning....And I wanted to find out if there was anyone else like me in the Scriptures. I mean, I expected some small people like myself, but what I found was it was the biggies. It was the people that God really used that came up running on empty. And so then I wanted to discover how God met them at the low points of their life and filled them up. And out of that came a series of talks. And it's some of those that I will be sharing with you in these sessions. And so each elective and main session that I have with you, I will just choose another character and we'll look into his life together.


Oct 18th, 8:30 AM

How God Fills Us Up at Low Points of Life: Session 1


Jill is going to speak on Elijah this morning....And I wanted to find out if there was anyone else like me in the Scriptures. I mean, I expected some small people like myself, but what I found was it was the biggies. It was the people that God really used that came up running on empty. And so then I wanted to discover how God met them at the low points of their life and filled them up. And out of that came a series of talks. And it's some of those that I will be sharing with you in these sessions. And so each elective and main session that I have with you, I will just choose another character and we'll look into his life together.