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What Motivates You? : Psalm 116

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Ron Mehl


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...And love certainly is a choice. There's no question about that. But I I think maybe as you turn to Psalm 116 this morning, I'm going to ask you to do that, please. We're going to kind of work through this Psalm because it's one of the greats, one of my favorite Psalm's of all, I think, because it has to do with the deep love of God that God has for you and me and we have for him.


Oct 22nd, 8:30 AM

What Motivates You? : Psalm 116


...And love certainly is a choice. There's no question about that. But I I think maybe as you turn to Psalm 116 this morning, I'm going to ask you to do that, please. We're going to kind of work through this Psalm because it's one of the greats, one of my favorite Psalm's of all, I think, because it has to do with the deep love of God that God has for you and me and we have for him.