Presentation Title

Walking As Jesus Walked Part 1

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Lyle Dorsett


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I had started this series out by saying there are three great and common misconceptions about God. The first one that he does not love sinners, the second one, which I addressed this morning, that he expects nothing of us, his chosen people. And the third one is he is not the same yesterday, today, and forever. Three great in common misconceptions that I'm trying to dispel a bit tonight. So I'm going to move towards the third one tonight and again as in the morning,


Oct 19th, 7:30 PM

Walking As Jesus Walked Part 1


I had started this series out by saying there are three great and common misconceptions about God. The first one that he does not love sinners, the second one, which I addressed this morning, that he expects nothing of us, his chosen people. And the third one is he is not the same yesterday, today, and forever. Three great in common misconceptions that I'm trying to dispel a bit tonight. So I'm going to move towards the third one tonight and again as in the morning,