Presentation Title

Jealous Leaders from the Old Testament

Presenter Information

Erik Thoennes, Biola University


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Tonight, we will pick up our story with another one in this line of jealous leaders. With the story of Elijah beginning and First Kings Chapter seventeen, and if you turn there with me. We'll look at Elijah. First Kings Chapter seventeen. Elijah shows up rather suddenly for such a dominant character in scripture. Much like John the Baptist showed up rather suddenly for how influential he was. First Kings Chapter seventeen, beginning at first one, we have Elijah appear on the scene.


Oct 16th, 7:30 PM

Jealous Leaders from the Old Testament


Tonight, we will pick up our story with another one in this line of jealous leaders. With the story of Elijah beginning and First Kings Chapter seventeen, and if you turn there with me. We'll look at Elijah. First Kings Chapter seventeen. Elijah shows up rather suddenly for such a dominant character in scripture. Much like John the Baptist showed up rather suddenly for how influential he was. First Kings Chapter seventeen, beginning at first one, we have Elijah appear on the scene.