Presentation Title

Hearing Her Story: The Women, the Word, the Work

Presenter Information

Alise Barrymore


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Calvary Chapel


But I saw a vision of what I could become the God could possibly use me at the time. I could not articulate it using that language. Long story short, I now find myself as an ordained clergy woman and full time pastoral ministry. However, even with the seemingly clear statement, I must confess, it is difficult for me to extract my womanhood from my racial ethnic identity. I cannot talk with integrity about myself as a woman in ministry without attending to the racial ethnic nuances that make me who I am. I see and embrace myself as a black woman and offspring of the diaspora who follows the teachings of Jesus the Christ.


Oct 22nd, 2:00 AM

Hearing Her Story: The Women, the Word, the Work

Calvary Chapel

But I saw a vision of what I could become the God could possibly use me at the time. I could not articulate it using that language. Long story short, I now find myself as an ordained clergy woman and full time pastoral ministry. However, even with the seemingly clear statement, I must confess, it is difficult for me to extract my womanhood from my racial ethnic identity. I cannot talk with integrity about myself as a woman in ministry without attending to the racial ethnic nuances that make me who I am. I see and embrace myself as a black woman and offspring of the diaspora who follows the teachings of Jesus the Christ.