Presentation Title

Life Outside the Box

Presenter Information

Colleen Swindoll-Dane


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Calvary Chapel


With our life box, we want God and our activities to fit into these comfortable parameters because we know what to expect and we know what to count on. However, I have found that God that we worship and that we have faith in is way outside of any kind of box that we would up to the Book of Habakkuk...He is one of the only minor prophets that did not speak directly to the people.He was in dialog with God. In fact, it's a journal. Habakkuk is a journal that he wrote as he was working out the fact that God is outside of the box.


Oct 23rd, 2:00 PM

Life Outside the Box

Calvary Chapel

With our life box, we want God and our activities to fit into these comfortable parameters because we know what to expect and we know what to count on. However, I have found that God that we worship and that we have faith in is way outside of any kind of box that we would up to the Book of Habakkuk...He is one of the only minor prophets that did not speak directly to the people.He was in dialog with God. In fact, it's a journal. Habakkuk is a journal that he wrote as he was working out the fact that God is outside of the box.