Presentation Title

Recapturing Our First Love

Presenter Information

Crawford Loritts


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Revelation 2:1-5

Most of us as Christians, we're not what I would call aggressive prodigals. None of us, you know, we're not waving our fist in the face of God. But achilles heel is that we are cultural Christians. Some of us have grown up in a Christian home, we've been hyper exposed to Christianity, to the processes and all of these things, and we've made our commitments to Christ. But our problem is that we're not aggressive protocols. We're just passive followers. Passive followers. We know the language, we know the words, we know the songs, we know how to act, and we're not doing too many gross things....


Oct 22nd, 9:00 AM

Recapturing Our First Love


Revelation 2:1-5

Most of us as Christians, we're not what I would call aggressive prodigals. None of us, you know, we're not waving our fist in the face of God. But achilles heel is that we are cultural Christians. Some of us have grown up in a Christian home, we've been hyper exposed to Christianity, to the processes and all of these things, and we've made our commitments to Christ. But our problem is that we're not aggressive protocols. We're just passive followers. Passive followers. We know the language, we know the words, we know the songs, we know how to act, and we're not doing too many gross things....