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R. C. Sproul


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Sutherland hall


...And I'm sure you must be wondering if there's any possibility in this morning's lecture of your learning something new. How many times have you heard about the Fatherhood of God? That's such a worn out theme in our religious experience that it would seem unlikely that you would learn anything this morning that you haven't heard a million times before, but I think you will learn something new today. I hope that you will learn something new today, because what I want to talk about in terms of the Fatherhood of God involves things that I have learned since I was in College,...

Torrey_1984_Sproul_Father.pdf (144 kB)


Oct 19th, 10:30 AM


Sutherland hall

...And I'm sure you must be wondering if there's any possibility in this morning's lecture of your learning something new. How many times have you heard about the Fatherhood of God? That's such a worn out theme in our religious experience that it would seem unlikely that you would learn anything this morning that you haven't heard a million times before, but I think you will learn something new today. I hope that you will learn something new today, because what I want to talk about in terms of the Fatherhood of God involves things that I have learned since I was in College,...