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Ken Medema


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Now it's your turn. I would like for you to think of a person who really, as far as you're concerned, showed you what Jesus is like when they stood up for you and you couldn't stand up for yourself when they confronted you, when they when they were honest with you, when they when they held you in a hard time, when they were demanding of you, when you could have been lazy and slothful, all that stuff. I would like you to tell a story about that person and how that person influenced your life. And then I'm going to compose a song for you on the spot.

Torrey_1994_Medema_Worship.pdf (116 kB)


Oct 20th, 9:55 AM



Now it's your turn. I would like for you to think of a person who really, as far as you're concerned, showed you what Jesus is like when they stood up for you and you couldn't stand up for yourself when they confronted you, when they when they were honest with you, when they when they held you in a hard time, when they were demanding of you, when you could have been lazy and slothful, all that stuff. I would like you to tell a story about that person and how that person influenced your life. And then I'm going to compose a song for you on the spot.