Presentation Title

Four Traits of People God Uses

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Ron Mehl


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We just right away just take your Bible and turn, if you would, to the book of Matthew, the book of Matthew, Chapter nine is where I'd like you to turn. And we're going to look at a section of scripture that I think gives us a real perspective, not only about God's heart, but I think really gives us a perspective on really God's desire and the traits I think that he sees as being essential in people that he uses. When I talk about perspective, I I can't read Matthew Chapter nine without gaining the real heart and perspective of God towards people.


Oct 22nd, 2:00 PM

Four Traits of People God Uses


We just right away just take your Bible and turn, if you would, to the book of Matthew, the book of Matthew, Chapter nine is where I'd like you to turn. And we're going to look at a section of scripture that I think gives us a real perspective, not only about God's heart, but I think really gives us a perspective on really God's desire and the traits I think that he sees as being essential in people that he uses. When I talk about perspective, I I can't read Matthew Chapter nine without gaining the real heart and perspective of God towards people.