Presentation Title

Don't Worry, Be Happy

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Billy Ingram


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Matthew 23:37 ; Matthew 6:25

Now listen to this worry pulls tomorrow's clouds over today. Sunshine worry is wasting time to clutter up tomorrow's opportunities with yesterday's problems. And and the problem with worry is that we all do it. I wish somebody would say, hey, man, there's a Swedish proverb that goes something like this where he often gives a small thing, a big shadow.


Oct 24th, 10:30 AM

Don't Worry, Be Happy


Matthew 23:37 ; Matthew 6:25

Now listen to this worry pulls tomorrow's clouds over today. Sunshine worry is wasting time to clutter up tomorrow's opportunities with yesterday's problems. And and the problem with worry is that we all do it. I wish somebody would say, hey, man, there's a Swedish proverb that goes something like this where he often gives a small thing, a big shadow.