Presentation Title

We Are His Beloved: From Solitude to Community to Ministry

Presenter Information

Barbara Miller, Biola University

Session Number



Calvary Chapel


Miller examined the power of the Lord through solitude, followed by a time of reflection. When we are in solitude, we face ourselves, our desires, and our sin. We begin to see God's will. His nature becomes clearer. Spending time in reflection with God, we see where our roots lie.

Streaming Media


Oct 17th, 8:30 PM

We Are His Beloved: From Solitude to Community to Ministry

Calvary Chapel

Miller examined the power of the Lord through solitude, followed by a time of reflection. When we are in solitude, we face ourselves, our desires, and our sin. We begin to see God's will. His nature becomes clearer. Spending time in reflection with God, we see where our roots lie.