Charles Lee Feinberg was born in 1909 to Orthodox Jewish parents and became a Christian at the age of 21. After his conversion he studied theology at Dallas Theological Seminary, and in 1935 he started broadcasting radio messages (available below). He began teaching at Biola in 1948 when he became a member of the Jewish Department and professor of Old Testament and Bible Exposition.
In 1952 Charles Feinberg became the dean and professor of Semitics and Old Testament at Talbot Theological Seminary. He was known to be caring but stern, and his vast knowledge of Jewish history and Hebrew attracted many eager students.
Streaming Audio
Man's Ceaseless Attempt to be God Pt.1, Charles Lee Feinberg
Man's Ceaseless Attempt to be God Pt.2, Charles Lee Feinberg
Marriage in Jerusalem Pt.1, Charles Lee Feinberg
Marriage in Jerusalem Pt.2, Charles Lee Feinberg
Matthew 24: 1-25 - The beginning of Sorrows Matt. 24:1-14 Pt.1, Charles Lee Feinberg
Matthew 24: 1-25 - The beginning of Sorrows Matt. 24:1-14 Pt.2, Charles Lee Feinberg
Mercy-Seat - Christ our Propitiation Pt.1, Charles Lee Feinberg
Mercy-Seat - Christ our Propitiation Pt.2, Charles Lee Feinberg
Messiah's Preview of His Kingdom, Charles Lee Feinberg
Middle East Inferno, Charles Lee Feinberg
Moses the Law Giver & Messiah the Life Giver, Charles Lee Feinberg
Nature of Spiritual Gifts - I. Cor. 12: 1-11, Charles Lee Feinberg
No Proxies on Judgment Day - Revelation 20, Charles Lee Feinberg
One Thing Needful, Charles Lee Feinberg
Open Scroll; The Two Witnesses, the Last Trumpet Pt.1, Charles Lee Feinberg
Open Scroll: The Two Witnesses, the Last Trumpet Pt.2, Charles Lee Feinberg
Our Sacred Heritage, Charles Lee Feinberg
Park of Pines 1973, Friday Pt.1, Charles Lee Feinberg
Park of Pines 1973, Friday Pt. 2, Charles Lee Feinberg
Park of Pines 1973, Monday Pt.1, Charles Lee Feinberg
Park of Pines 1973, Monday Pt.2, Charles Lee Feinberg
Park of Pines 1973, Sunday Evening Pt.1, Charles Lee Feinberg
Park of Pines 1973, Sunday Evening Pt.2, Charles Lee Feinberg
Park of Pines 1973, Sunday Pt.1, Charles Lee Feinberg
Park of Pines 1973, Sunday Pt.2, Charles Lee Feinberg
Park of Pines 1973, Thursday, Charles Lee Feinberg
Park of Pines 1973, Tuesday Pt.1, Charles Lee Feinberg
Park of Pines 1973, Tuesday Pt. 2, Charles Lee Feinberg
Park of Pines 1973, Wednesday Pt.1--Change in world monarchies--Daniel 8, Charles Lee Feinberg
Park of Pines 1973, Wednesday Pt.2, Charles Lee Feinberg
Passion of the Servant, Isaiah 53 verses 4-6, Charles Lee Feinberg
Perseverance of the Servant, Isaiah 53:7-9, Charles Lee Feinberg
Person of the Servant Isaiah 53 Verses 1-3, Study 2, Charles Lee Feinberg
Portion of the Servant Isaiah 53: 10-12 Pt.1, Charles Lee Feinberg
Portion of the Servant Isaiah 53: 10-12 Pt.2, Charles Lee Feinberg
Preminence of the Servant Isaiah 52 Verses 13-15; Study 1, Charles Lee Feinberg
Preview of Calvary - Genesis 22, Charles Lee Feinberg
Prophecy and the European Common Market, Charles Lee Feinberg
Rapture of the Church - San Jose, Charles Lee Feinberg
Redeemed Israel is Coming, Charles Lee Feinberg
Redeeming Israel From Under the Depths, Charles Lee Feinberg
Revelation 11, Charles Lee Feinberg
Rumblings of Armageddon Pt.1, Charles Lee Feinberg
Rumblings of Armageddon Pt.2, Charles Lee Feinberg
Separated Christian, Charles Lee Feinberg
Seven Bowl Judments and the End of Babylon Pt.1, Charles Lee Feinberg
Seven Bowl Judments and the End of Babylon Pt.2, Charles Lee Feinberg
Six Seals: The 144,000, Charles Lee Feinberg
Six Trumpet Judgments, Charles Lee Feinberg
State of Israel in 1973 Pt.1, Charles Lee Feinberg
State of Israel in 1973 Pt.2, Charles Lee Feinberg
Study of prophecy Pt.1, Charles Lee Feinberg
Study of Prophecy Pt. 2, Charles Lee Feinberg
Subject of the Spirit's Ministry, Charles Lee Feinberg
Table of Showbread - Christ Our Food, Pt.1, Charles Lee Feinberg
Table of Showbread - Christ Our Food, Pt.2, Charles Lee Feinberg
Testimonies of Hebrew Christians Pt.1, Charles Lee Feinberg
Testimonies of Hebrew Christians Pt.2, Charles Lee Feinberg
To Whom Does the Holy Land Belong? Pt.1, Charles Lee Feinberg
To Whom Does the Holy Land Belong? Pt.2, Charles Lee Feinberg
Veil - Christ Our Access to God Pt.1, Charles Lee Feinberg
Veil - Christ Our Access to God Pt.2, Charles Lee Feinberg
Vision of the Risen Christ & Letters to Ephesus, Smyrna, & Pergamum PT. 1, Charles Lee Feinberg
Vision of the Risen Christ & Letters to Ephesus, Smyrna, & Pergamum Pt.2, Charles Lee Feinberg
Visions of the Throne and the Scroll, Charles Lee Feinberg
What is the Holy Spirit's Ministry to the Church Pt.1a, Charles Lee Feinberg
What is the Holy Spirit's Ministry to the Church Pt.1b, Charles Lee Feinberg
What is the Holy Spirit's Ministry to the Church Pt.2a, Charles Lee Feinberg
What is the Holy Spirit's Ministry to the Church Pt.2b, Charles Lee Feinberg
When and How Will the Church be Caught Up? 1 Thess. 4 verses 13-18 Pt.1, Charles Lee Feinberg
When and How Will the Church be Caught Up? 1 Thess. 4 verses 13-18 Pt.2, Charles Lee Feinberg
When Can We Expect the Rapture Pt. 1, Charles Lee Feinberg
When Can We Expect the Rapture? Pt.2, Charles Lee Feinberg
Where Israel Can Find Soul Rest, Charles Lee Feinberg
Why Christ Must Return to Reign on Earth Pt.1, Charles Lee Feinberg
Why Christ Must Return to Reign on Earth Pt.2, Charles Lee Feinberg
Why God chose Israel : Conference in Japan, Charles Lee Feinberg
Why God Chose Israel : Conference in Japan Pt.2, Charles Lee Feinberg
Why Need There Be a Millenium? Pt.1, Charles Lee Feinberg
Why Need There Be a Millenium? Pt.2, Charles Lee Feinberg
Why Preach Christ to the Jews? Pt.1, Charles Lee Feinberg
Why Preach Christ to the Jews? Pt.2, Charles Lee Feinberg
Why Should We Tell the Jews about Christ? -- Japan Conference Pt.1, Charles Lee Feinberg
Why Should We Tell the Jews about Christ? -- Japan Conference Pt.2, Charles Lee Feinberg
Will Christ Rule the world? - Bayside Community Church Pt.1, Charles Lee Feinberg
Will Christ Rule the World? - Bayside Community Church Pt.2, Charles Lee Feinberg
Will Jerusalem Ever Be Taken? Pt.1, Charles Lee Feinberg
Will Jerusalem Ever Be Taken? Pt.2, Charles Lee Feinberg
Will the Church Go Through the Tribulation? Pt.1, Charles Lee Feinberg
Will the Church Go Through the Tribulation? Pt.2, Charles Lee Feinberg
Will there be a General Resurrection? Pt.1, Charles Lee Feinberg
Will there be a General Resurrection? Pt.2, Charles Lee Feinberg
World's 'Zero Hour', Charles Lee Feinberg
World's Zero Hour Zech 12 verse 1- ch. 13 verse 1 Pt.1, Charles Lee Feinberg
World's Zero Hour Zech 12 verse 1- ch. 13 verse 1 Pt.2, Charles Lee Feinberg