Carlos Sandoval Comic Art



Carlos Sandoval


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Datos curiosos de la bibla. "Que profeta hizo caminar para atras a un reloj como senal del cumplimento de una promesa de Dios?" Vease: 2 Reyes 20: 8-11 [On image: My watch is going backwards!"

Fun facts from the Bible. "What prophet made his watch turning back time as a sign of the fulfillment of a promies of God?" See 2 Kings 20: 8-11

A king is dressed in his kingly garments, wearing a crown, and looking down at his sundial wristwatch, with a shocked expression. His jaw is dropped, and his eyes are peeled wide open. He is saying "My watch is going backwards!" The sundial wristwatch shows the sound effects, "tac - tic, tac - tic, tac - tic"