EJ Pace Christian Cartoons




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40 x 35.5 cm., Pen and Ink on Cardstock. Illustration of an angel holding a paper/scroll.

God's Way Of Saving Man (Translated from the Latin: author unknown); God Is; A Just God: Who cannot clear the guilty.; A Holy God: Who cannot associate with the impure.; But We Are: Guilty, Impure; Therefore To Stand In: the Judgement, the Presence Chamber; We Need To Be: Justified i.e. Pronounced guiltless, Sanctified i.e. Made holy; This Can Only Be Done By: The Righteousness of Christ imputed to us., The Holiness of Christ imparted to us.; Which Is: Christ's work for us-Active, Serving, Passive, Suffering; Christ's work in us-By the Indwelling of the Holy Spirit.; 1.-The originating cause is the Love of God the Father; 2.-The procuring cause is the Merit of God the Son.; 3.-The efficient cause is the Operation of God the Spirit.; The Result: We are Justified- 1.-From all guilt; 2.-By one act; 3.-Perfected through faith.; We are Sanctified-1.-In the whole man; 2.-A progressive action; 3.-Perfected only hereafter.; Christian Faith


ANgel; Scroll;