EJ Pace Christian Cartoons






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39 x 33.5 cm., Paper and Ink on Paper. Illustration of a chart with Adam and his descendants.

At The Beginning we find a man in a garden; "Death reigned from Adam to Moses."-Rom. 5:14; At The End we find a man in a coffin; The Race as a Whole; Chapters I to XI; Chapters XII to L.; Abraham and his Family; righteousness by works rejected; righteousness by faith accepted; 1-Abel: The Worship of Faith; 2-Enoch: The Walk of Faith; 3-Noah: The Witness of Faith; 4-Abraham: The Willingness of Faith; 5-Isaac: The Work of Faith; 6-Jacob: The Wanderings of Faith; 7-Joseph: The Wisdom of Faith; The Seven Men of Genesis who are named in Faith's Hall of Fame, Hebrews eleven.; "These all died in faith, not having received the promises, but having seen them afar off, and were persuaded of them, and embraced them, and confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth."-Hebrews 11:13; The Descent of Abraham; The Descendants of Abraham;


Adam; Chart; Descendants;