EJ Pace Christian Cartoons




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Save the surface and you save all.

24 x 32 cm., Pen and Ink on Paper. Illustration 1: Illustration of various hands reaching out to grab bags of money that are sitting on a table. Top right corner has a smaller illustration of Barnabas raising up a bag of money. Illustration 2: Illustration of a woman holding and looking in her compact mirror while putting on lipstick.

For the work of the Lord; Barnabas was a good man; and his own executor.-Acts 4:37; At the mercy of the will-breakers; Last Will And Testament; I bequeath; I also bequeath to the church of Christ the sum of $10,000--Simon Holdfast; Covetous Heir; Greedy Relative; Lawyer;

That may be true of a house, but not of a human.; "Let it not be that outward adorning,---but let it be the hidden man of the heart---a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price. For after this manner in the old time the holy women also, who trusted in God, adorned themselves."-I Pet. 3: 3-5;


Money; Barnabas; Lipstick; Woman;