Managing routing information for optimal vehicle refueling in transportation networks
School of Science Technology and Health
Publication Date
Managing routing information is an important aspect of point-to-point delivery by motor carriers. In this paper, we describe the data structures and algorithms needed for implementing a system that can effectively maintain the routing and refueling information dynamically to minimize the fuel cost of point-to-point delivery by motor vehicles. Given a transportation network of n vertices, the system can maintain and update the critical routing information using quadratic space of n and cubic time of n. Given any starting point and an initial fuel level, the system can then on the fly determine an optimal refueling plan in quadratic time of n based on the established routing information.
Data structures (Computer science); Intelligent transportation systems; Vehicle routing problem
Publication Title
2016 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM)
DOI of Published Version
Recommended Citation
Lin, Shieu-Hong, "Managing routing information for optimal vehicle refueling in transportation networks" (2016). Faculty Articles & Research. 544.