"Patterns for preaching : a rhetorical analysis of the sermons of Paul " by Donald Robert Sunukjian



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Talbot School of Theology


The purpose of this study is to identify any consistent strains in the sermons of Paul, with the assumption that such strains 1are divinely intended guidelines !or contemporary preachers. The exact question to be answered is: "What are the inspired.patterns for preaching contained in the sermons of Paul?"

An introductory chapter deals wit-h the variety and effectiveness of Paul's preaching, the pragmatic aim and method of rhetorical analysis, and the abbreviated nature of the Biblical record .

The next three chapters provide a detailed examination of . / three of Paul's sermons: his sermon to the Jews in Acts 13 (Chapter Two), his sermon to the Gentiles in Act5.i-_17 (Chapter Three), and his ' sermon to the Christians in Acts 20 (Chapter Four). These three particular sermons are chosen for analysis because of their substantial recording , their varied content, and, most importantly, because of their different. audiences. Each of these chapters is developed in approximately the same way. First, the historical setting of the sermon is described. Then, an exposition of the Biblical record is given. This exposition consists of an original translation of the sermon, an identification of the sermon's theme and purpose, an indication of its structure and outline, an explanation its argument, and a description of the audience's response. Finally, each chapter concludes with a/ rhetorical ·analysis which seeks ·to determine why the sermon was so effective in achieving its goal.


Paul, the Apostle, Saint; Sermons; Bible. Acts Criticism, interpretation, etc.

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Biblical Studies

Patterns for preaching : a rhetorical analysis of the sermons of Paul in Acts 13, 17, and 20
