"New kind of apologist" by Sean McDowell
New kind of apologist


New kind of apologist



Talbot School of Theology


Ch. 1 Christians in the argument culture : apologetics as conversation / Tim Muehlhoff

Interview with J.P. Moreland

Ch. 18 How to question the Bible in a post-Christian culture / Jonathan Morrow

Ch.25 The scientific naturalist juggernaut and what to do about it / Scott Smith

A New Kind of Apologist, edited by Sean McDowell and with contributions from more than 20 leading apologists, is the go-to resource for effectively defending the Christian faith in our changing culture. In it you'll discover:

  • important topics often ignored by apologists, such as transgender issues, religious freedom, and the intersection of economics and apologetics
  • a new kind of apologetics that is relational, gracious, and holistic
  • interviews with both seasoned apologists and skeptics, providing insights into how to do apologetics effectively in today's culture

A New Kind of Apologist addresses the latest issues, including

  • "Connecting Apologetics to the Heart"
  • "Teaching Apologetics to the Next Generation"
  • "Apologetics in our Sexually Broken Culture"
  • "Apologetics and Islam"
  • "Apologetics and Religious Freedom"

and adopts fresh strategies for reaching those who are outside the church with the truth of the gospel.


Apologetics, Christianity and culture



Publication Date


Document Type



Harvest House Publishers




Christianity | Religious Thought, Theology and Philosophy of Religion


pt. 1. New approach to apologetics -- 1. Christians in the argument culture : apologetics as conversation / Tim Muehlhoff -- 2. Apologetics and new technologies / Brian Auten -- Interview with Bart Campolo -- 3. Servant apologetics / Tom Gilson -- 4. Motivating others to "give an answer" / Mark Mittelberg -- 5. Social justice and a new kind of apologist / Ken Wytsma and Rick Gerhardt -- Interview with J.P. Moreland -- 6. "Don't blame us, it's in the Bible" Understanding new strategies for shaking up the faith of new generations / Dan Kimball -- 7. Shepherd is a verb : the role of relational mentoring in communicating truth / Jeff Myers -- 8. A practical plan to raise up the next generation / Brett Kunkle -- Interview with Dennis Rainey -- 9. The multiethnic [multi ethnic] church : God's living apologetic / Derwin L. Gray -- 10. Come and see : the value of storytelling for apologetics / Holly Ordway -- 11. Using Hollywood blockbusters to share your faith / Lenny Esposito -- 12. The Urban apologist / Christopher Brooks -- 13. Intuitional apologetics : using our deepest intuitions to point toward God / Terry Glaspey -- Interview with Gavin MacFarland -- 14. Why we should love questions more than answers / Matthew Anderson -- 15. Why more women should study apologetics / Mary Jo Sharp -- 16. A Christian political apologetic : why, what, and how / Jennifer A. Marshall -- 17. An assessment of the present state of historical Jesus studies / Michael Licona -- 18. How to question the Bible in a post-Christian culture / Jonathan Morrow -- Interview with Hemant Mehta -- 19. Entrepreneurs : an economic apologetic for the faith / Jay W. Richards -- 20. Telling the truth about sex in a broken culture / John Stonestreet -- 21. Being authentically Christian on the LGBT issue / Glenn T. Stanton -- 22. Transgender [trans gender] : truth and compassion / Alan Shlemon -- 23. An apologetic for religious liberty / James Tonkowich -- Interview with John Njoroge -- 24. Advocating intelligent design with integrity, grace and effectiveness / Casey Luskin -- 25. The scientific naturalist juggernaut and what to do about it / Scott Smith -- 26. Water that satisfies the Muslim's thirst / Abdu Murray -- 27. But... what about other religions / Tanya Walker.

New kind of apologist
