International Journal of Christianity and English Language Teaching

About the Editors

Jan Dormer

Jan Dormer (Ed.D., University of Toronto) is a Professor of TESOL and Director of the TESOL and ESL Programs at Taylor University in Upland, Indiana, U.S.A. She grew up as an MK in Brazil, and she and her husband served in missions for 16 years in Indonesia, Brazil and Kenya. She has published numerous books, including ELT Basics: A Beginner’s Guide to English Language Teaching (2023), Language Learning in Ministry (2021), Teaching English for Reconcilation (with co-author Cheryl Woelk, 2018), What School Leaders Need to Know about English Learners (2016), and Teaching English in Missions (2011). Dr. Dormer has authored numerous book chapters and articles as well. Links to her books and CV can be found at https://www.taylor.edu/employees/faculty/jan-dormer. She also provides numerous resources that are free to download at her website: tesoltools.com. Her current research and development interests include church-based ESL programs, global TESOL teacher education, and bilingual education.

Icy Lee

Icy Lee (Ph.D., University of Hong Kong) is Professor of Education in the English Language and Literature Academic Group of the National Institute of Education (NIE) at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore. Before joining NIE, she worked in the Faculty of Education at The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) for 17 years. She has previously taught ESL in Canada and held Visiting Professorship appointments in Canada, Spain, Taiwan, and Thailand. In 2012, she organized the Christians in English Language Teaching (CELT) Conference at CUHK, and in 2014 she delivered a keynote speech at the CELT Conference in Taiwan. She served as Co-editor of the Journal of Second Language Writing and is currently Principal Associate Editor of The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher. More information about Icy Lee is available at: https://dr.ntu.edu.sg/cris/rp/rp02179.

Contact Us

We welcome submissions in Word format, but are also happy to correspond with you about a potential idea for an article or a review, as well. We would also be interested in hearing from authors or publishers if you have a publication that you would like to submit for a potential review in the journal.

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