Article Title
EricTwisselmann; Andy Draycott
Solomon (Proverbs 18:17) indicates that hearing one side of an argument sounds convincing until you hear the opposing point of view. The next two articles discuss conceptions of social justice, both emanating from scholars that have studied biblical theology and social justice, applying those fields of study to educational systems. Twisselmann, a public school teacher of philosophy and adjunct professor at Biola University, questions whether critical theory’s lack of a metaphysical component provides any valid grounding to make social justice judgments, while Draycott, a theologian at Talbot School of Theology, argues for Christians to humbly seek common ground with others in our pluralistic society, teaching social justice to our young.
Recommended Citation
Stranske, Tim
"An Introduction to the Twisselmann and Draycott Articles,"
Justice, Spirituality & Education Journal: Vol. 2014, Article 5.
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