Presentation Title

A Call to Involvement. You'll Know God Better

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Joanne Shetler


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...I'm with Wycliffe Bible Translators, and this year we've for some reason taken on a little thing called the seed company. We call ourselves a seed company. The reason we do that is because, like a whole lot of other seed companies with little booths back here and in other places, we've got some good seed. And the stuff that we're into is seeing this good seed grow into other people's lives. I got into it because I wanted to do something that's going to last forever. But, you know, through a little twist in history, this good seed, the word of God, has been sealed off from over half the peoples of the Earth. That little twist was a Tower of Babel. And today, still, half of the languages of earth don't have God's word their own language.


Apr 21st, 8:30 AM

A Call to Involvement. You'll Know God Better


...I'm with Wycliffe Bible Translators, and this year we've for some reason taken on a little thing called the seed company. We call ourselves a seed company. The reason we do that is because, like a whole lot of other seed companies with little booths back here and in other places, we've got some good seed. And the stuff that we're into is seeing this good seed grow into other people's lives. I got into it because I wanted to do something that's going to last forever. But, you know, through a little twist in history, this good seed, the word of God, has been sealed off from over half the peoples of the Earth. That little twist was a Tower of Babel. And today, still, half of the languages of earth don't have God's word their own language.