Presentation Title

God doesn't have any substitutes

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Joanne Shetler


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...This morning we're thinking about our theme for this missions conference a call to involvement. And I'd like to give us a suggestion to think about the possibility that God doesn't have any substitutes. A verse that Jesus himself told his friends in John 15:16 said you didn't choose me, but I chose you and I've appointed you to go and bring forth fruit. Now, does it really matter if you go? Wonder if you think it really matters if you pray. I mean, you can say there's lots of better people than me that God could go and if I don't go, he'll probably send somebody else anyway because God's going to do his plan whether I'm involved or not. I'd like to challenge that thought.


Apr 20th, 8:30 AM

God doesn't have any substitutes


...This morning we're thinking about our theme for this missions conference a call to involvement. And I'd like to give us a suggestion to think about the possibility that God doesn't have any substitutes. A verse that Jesus himself told his friends in John 15:16 said you didn't choose me, but I chose you and I've appointed you to go and bring forth fruit. Now, does it really matter if you go? Wonder if you think it really matters if you pray. I mean, you can say there's lots of better people than me that God could go and if I don't go, he'll probably send somebody else anyway because God's going to do his plan whether I'm involved or not. I'd like to challenge that thought.