Presentation Title
Opening session
Session Number
Brothers and sisters, let's examine our priorities during these few days. Let's not have token commitment to this missions conference. Let's not think of the minimum number of activities that we can get involved in while we have our maximum number of recreational and other things that we engage in, all of which have a place in their Christian life, but do sometimes in some places get a little bit out of control. Men are lost. They're on the road to hell. 20 million in Africa are probably going to starve to death in the coming years.
Opening session
Brothers and sisters, let's examine our priorities during these few days. Let's not have token commitment to this missions conference. Let's not think of the minimum number of activities that we can get involved in while we have our maximum number of recreational and other things that we engage in, all of which have a place in their Christian life, but do sometimes in some places get a little bit out of control. Men are lost. They're on the road to hell. 20 million in Africa are probably going to starve to death in the coming years.