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Deuteronomy, chapter eight

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Elward Ellis


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...But the word of Moses to his people in this passage is a prophetic word. It is a word of ominous caution about the tendency we, the children of Adam and Eve, have to forget where we came from and how it was we got here. In a world where you have had all of your basic needs met, where you choose between one, two, three, four, and sometimes five, pair of expensive sneakers, it is very difficult sometimes to understand that it is God who made that wealth possible.


Mar 19th, 10:30 AM

Deuteronomy, chapter eight


...But the word of Moses to his people in this passage is a prophetic word. It is a word of ominous caution about the tendency we, the children of Adam and Eve, have to forget where we came from and how it was we got here. In a world where you have had all of your basic needs met, where you choose between one, two, three, four, and sometimes five, pair of expensive sneakers, it is very difficult sometimes to understand that it is God who made that wealth possible.