Presentation Title

2 Timothy, chapter two

Presenter Information

Greg Livingstone


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...Timothy two in our intercultural studies classes, we're trying to figure out the missiological answers and all the keys and how we're going to turn a nation around for Christ. And we're looking for redemptive analogies, and we're looking for contextualization methods and so forth. Well, with all that, which is excellent, let's not forget to look to see if the Bible has anything to say directly about how to make disciples of all nations. If we're supposed to make disciples of all nations, how are we supposed to do it?


Mar 18th, 7:00 PM

2 Timothy, chapter two


...Timothy two in our intercultural studies classes, we're trying to figure out the missiological answers and all the keys and how we're going to turn a nation around for Christ. And we're looking for redemptive analogies, and we're looking for contextualization methods and so forth. Well, with all that, which is excellent, let's not forget to look to see if the Bible has anything to say directly about how to make disciples of all nations. If we're supposed to make disciples of all nations, how are we supposed to do it?