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People from the country of Russia leadership ask me to share their needs

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Josh McDowell


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...What I'm sharing with you here this morning people from the country of Russia leadership the other day I met with just several days ago with the chief of staff of Yeltsin, with a protocol officer and all. And they asked me to come back to America and to share the needs. So, I feel more like I'm representing a country, a culture of people here this morning. And it's the people in the country of Russia. Very seldom does an opportunity like Russia ford itself to the cause of Christ.


Mar 23rd, 10:30 AM

People from the country of Russia leadership ask me to share their needs


...What I'm sharing with you here this morning people from the country of Russia leadership the other day I met with just several days ago with the chief of staff of Yeltsin, with a protocol officer and all. And they asked me to come back to America and to share the needs. So, I feel more like I'm representing a country, a culture of people here this morning. And it's the people in the country of Russia. Very seldom does an opportunity like Russia ford itself to the cause of Christ.