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Renewing our minds

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Miriam Adeney


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...Now, the topic I'm supposed to speak on is renewing our minds. If ever there were people who needed a renewal of the mind, a renewal of the sense of how things fit together, a renewal of hope, it is young adults today, young Americans for a start. But in order to approach this topic, I want to come from quite a different angle. I want to talk to you about women that I have been talking to for the last ten years, Muslim women who are coming to faith in Christ. And I want to share with you how their minds are being renewed.


Mar 13th, 11:00 AM

Renewing our minds

...Now, the topic I'm supposed to speak on is renewing our minds. If ever there were people who needed a renewal of the mind, a renewal of the sense of how things fit together, a renewal of hope, it is young adults today, young Americans for a start. But in order to approach this topic, I want to come from quite a different angle. I want to talk to you about women that I have been talking to for the last ten years, Muslim women who are coming to faith in Christ. And I want to share with you how their minds are being renewed.