Presentation Title

Lebanon: The Forgotten Holy Land

Presenter Information

Chris Mouhana


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...And so that's the reason why we have a seminar today, because there's not a lot of information coming out of Lebanon, because right now, Lebanon is an occupied country. It's occupied by the Syrian government, and they are closing down radio stations, television stations and newspapers. And again, because of the US travel ban, a lot of Americans are not going into Lebanon.


Apr 16th, 11:00 AM

Lebanon: The Forgotten Holy Land

...And so that's the reason why we have a seminar today, because there's not a lot of information coming out of Lebanon, because right now, Lebanon is an occupied country. It's occupied by the Syrian government, and they are closing down radio stations, television stations and newspapers. And again, because of the US travel ban, a lot of Americans are not going into Lebanon.