Presentation Title
What is God's mission?
Session Number
...So the question this morning for us, I believe, is not whether God's mission to this planet is for the church but whether the church is for God's mission. You see, it's not so much about missions. I don't like to talk about missions anymore because people have weird ideas about missions and most of us think that mission belongs to a fanatical few. So let me speak to you this morning about God's mission. Not missions for us, but what is God's mission? I thought our speaker yesterday morning in the chapel service captured it beautifully. God is on a mission.
What is God's mission?
...So the question this morning for us, I believe, is not whether God's mission to this planet is for the church but whether the church is for God's mission. You see, it's not so much about missions. I don't like to talk about missions anymore because people have weird ideas about missions and most of us think that mission belongs to a fanatical few. So let me speak to you this morning about God's mission. Not missions for us, but what is God's mission? I thought our speaker yesterday morning in the chapel service captured it beautifully. God is on a mission.