Presentation Title
We are sent into the world to solve the second great problem of mission, which is that God wants to communicate Himself, but can only do so through people
Session Number
We are sent into the world to solve the second great problem of mission, which is that God wants to communicate Himself, but can only do so through people. The only way God could communicate Himself in the first place was through His Son becoming flesh. Why is this? Why couldn't God hire, as I said yesterday, a skywriting plane and just spell out the sort of main points in cursive scripts or rearrange the stars and say, attention, creation, creator speaking. Why did he have to send a person? And why then does this person, the Son, then send all of us as persons? I think it's because when we see this so vividly and clearly in John 17 that the most important thing that God the Creator, wants to communicate about Himself to the creation is what kind of God he is.
We are sent into the world to solve the second great problem of mission, which is that God wants to communicate Himself, but can only do so through people
We are sent into the world to solve the second great problem of mission, which is that God wants to communicate Himself, but can only do so through people. The only way God could communicate Himself in the first place was through His Son becoming flesh. Why is this? Why couldn't God hire, as I said yesterday, a skywriting plane and just spell out the sort of main points in cursive scripts or rearrange the stars and say, attention, creation, creator speaking. Why did he have to send a person? And why then does this person, the Son, then send all of us as persons? I think it's because when we see this so vividly and clearly in John 17 that the most important thing that God the Creator, wants to communicate about Himself to the creation is what kind of God he is.