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Exploring Justice

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Jeff Shreve


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Head up the underground. Are you all familiar with that? The night of persecutions simulations, things they do that's underground. That's the young adult division of Open Doors ministry. Open Doors has been serving the persecuted church for 50 years with Brother Andrew and they just recently, I think, in 2000, started up the underground to kind of get people in our age brackets a little more aware of what's going on and more involved. That's my focus. What I'm going to talk about today is indirectly related to the persecuted church.


Mar 17th, 3:00 PM

Exploring Justice

Head up the underground. Are you all familiar with that? The night of persecutions simulations, things they do that's underground. That's the young adult division of Open Doors ministry. Open Doors has been serving the persecuted church for 50 years with Brother Andrew and they just recently, I think, in 2000, started up the underground to kind of get people in our age brackets a little more aware of what's going on and more involved. That's my focus. What I'm going to talk about today is indirectly related to the persecuted church.