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Ministry of Open Doors--ministry to the persecuted church

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Jeff Shreve


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...What Open Doors does. For the past 50 years, we've been serving the persecuted church. We go to countries we don't hit Canada a lot, like my body back there said. But we do go to persecuted countries, countries where to be a Christian is a dangerous situation, basically. And whatever they need, we discover that need.

Missions_2004_Shreve_Seminar2.pdf (180 kB)


Mar 18th, 3:00 PM

Ministry of Open Doors--ministry to the persecuted church

...What Open Doors does. For the past 50 years, we've been serving the persecuted church. We go to countries we don't hit Canada a lot, like my body back there said. But we do go to persecuted countries, countries where to be a Christian is a dangerous situation, basically. And whatever they need, we discover that need.