Presentation Title

Reaching the Nations from Home

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Brian Newton


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...So this is what we are doing this afternoon reaching the nations from home through intercessory prayer. And I'd like to share an opening challenge with you from Psalm two and verse eight where we read asked of me and I will make the nations your inheritance, the ends of the earth your possession. We're instructed here in this verse to ask God for the nations and specifically the ethnic. That's what the word nations means here. It's the ethnic the peoples of the earth so that God might be glorified among them so that they might discover and learn what is God's ordained purpose for them, that they manifest and declare the glory of God.


Mar 21st, 4:00 PM

Reaching the Nations from Home

...So this is what we are doing this afternoon reaching the nations from home through intercessory prayer. And I'd like to share an opening challenge with you from Psalm two and verse eight where we read asked of me and I will make the nations your inheritance, the ends of the earth your possession. We're instructed here in this verse to ask God for the nations and specifically the ethnic. That's what the word nations means here. It's the ethnic the peoples of the earth so that God might be glorified among them so that they might discover and learn what is God's ordained purpose for them, that they manifest and declare the glory of God.