Phil Saint Comic Art

Study Of Missions; Knowledge Of The Word Of God; Historic Setting; Original Languages; Scientific Accuracy; Thorough Christian College Training; Practical Christian Soul Winning; Bible Study; Prayer and Witnessing; Knowledge Of Present World Events; Cultural Training; Science; Art & Music; I Can't Wait For The Ship-No Time To Waste!; Hasty Preparation; Zeal Without Knowledge; We Must Not Let Ourselves Be Carried Away By Emotional Ideas...Ho...Hum; Spiritual Indifference.
26.5 x 20 cm., Pen and Ink on Paper. Illustration of dock workers putting baggage and crates onto a ship.
Text on front side: This idea could be greatly simplified; 204. | Photo on back side: Picture of Dr. Oswald Smith preaching from the pulpit | Text on back side: Dr. Oswald Smith, Leader Second Semester; Dr. Smith preaches from the chapel pulpit; Lovable, witty, and deep in spiritual wisdom, this ex-missionary to China brought old truths home in a new way, and drew many closer to the Lord. His "perfectly wonderful" descriptions, and lists of books he had just read , struck a note of admiration in the hearts of the college students, as well as did his humbleness and matter-of-fact mannerisms. Second semester services brought Dr. Oswald Smith, pastor of the People's Church of Toronto, Canada, to the Wheaton campus. Emphasizing the Spirit-filled Christian life, Dr. Smith's messages struck home in the hearts of many students. Practical Christian living in place of doctrinal differences marked Dr. Smith's sermons throughout the week of meetings. The Spirit moved upon the campus and several yielded their lives to Christ, along with scores who entered into a deeper spiritual fellowship with the Lord.; TESTIMONY...; "Praise God from whom all blessings flow. How I praise God that He brought Dr. Smith to Wheaton. 'Are you trusting Him?', Dr. Smith asked. I could not honestly say that I had put all my trust in Him. But now, praise God, I am trusting fully in Him in all things. He is a wonderful Lord and saviour to me, and grows sweeter and dearer each day."-MORTON BROOKS. | Illustration of a bible-"A Light Unto My Pathway."