Presentation Title

Relevance of the Incarnation in our lives today : Hebrews 4:14-16, Galations 4:4-5

Presenter Information

Karrie Garcia

Session Number

Main Session #1


Many believe the incarnation is relevant to their lives because it feels like Jesus understands them. While true, what is missing is the huge foundational truth and purpose of the incarnation. Garcia began by explaining that her goal is to make the incarnate tangible. Garcia shared her message on being outplace, widowed and estranged to reveal how the incarnate Christ was playing a role in the seasons of her life.

Streaming Media


Oct 9th, 10:30 AM

Relevance of the Incarnation in our lives today : Hebrews 4:14-16, Galations 4:4-5

Many believe the incarnation is relevant to their lives because it feels like Jesus understands them. While true, what is missing is the huge foundational truth and purpose of the incarnation. Garcia began by explaining that her goal is to make the incarnate tangible. Garcia shared her message on being outplace, widowed and estranged to reveal how the incarnate Christ was playing a role in the seasons of her life.