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Ready to Pardon?

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Walter Wilson


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Beloved, let us talk together today about pardons because we read in the Bible a very interesting passage. It's a prayer that was prepared prayed by eight men. I think it's the only place in all the Bible where eight men prayed the same prayer. In fact, I don't remember where even two men ever prayed the same prayer. But this one was prayed by eight different men. And their names are given in Nehemiah, chapter nine. At verse five, they were Levites and they all seemed to pray the same prayer. I want to call attention to a particular statement they made in verse 17 of this 9th chapter of Nehemiah. We read there thou art a God ready to pardon, gracious and merciful, slow to anger and of great kindness, and forsookest them not. Notice it says, Thou art a God ready to pardon.


Jan 30th, 7:00 PM

Ready to Pardon?


Beloved, let us talk together today about pardons because we read in the Bible a very interesting passage. It's a prayer that was prepared prayed by eight men. I think it's the only place in all the Bible where eight men prayed the same prayer. In fact, I don't remember where even two men ever prayed the same prayer. But this one was prayed by eight different men. And their names are given in Nehemiah, chapter nine. At verse five, they were Levites and they all seemed to pray the same prayer. I want to call attention to a particular statement they made in verse 17 of this 9th chapter of Nehemiah. We read there thou art a God ready to pardon, gracious and merciful, slow to anger and of great kindness, and forsookest them not. Notice it says, Thou art a God ready to pardon.