Presentation Title

Amos And The Justice Of God: Session 3

Presenter Information

Roy Roberts


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...And I have had a renewing experience by studying the book of Amos. And I've also enjoyed practicing some of it. And so, speaking from experience, these things are real and they are rejuvenating and they are warming. But they are not easy. We left off in chapter 2, yesterday book of Amos, chapter 2, and we talked about the fact that in Israel, Lady Justice had taken off her blindfold and she became a respecter of persons purely on the basis of economics. Now I want you to think about that. It seems to me that there are parallels between what is happening in the Book of Amos and what is happening even in our country.


Oct 9th, 2:00 PM

Amos And The Justice Of God: Session 3


...And I have had a renewing experience by studying the book of Amos. And I've also enjoyed practicing some of it. And so, speaking from experience, these things are real and they are rejuvenating and they are warming. But they are not easy. We left off in chapter 2, yesterday book of Amos, chapter 2, and we talked about the fact that in Israel, Lady Justice had taken off her blindfold and she became a respecter of persons purely on the basis of economics. Now I want you to think about that. It seems to me that there are parallels between what is happening in the Book of Amos and what is happening even in our country.