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Birthmark: Session 3

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Darryl Del Housaye


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Calvary chapel


...The first one was that your sins were forgiven. But like I said, God did not want to have a relationship with forgiven spiritual corpse. So therefore he did a second thing at the moment. You believed you were what regenerated. You were made spiritually alive. That's what we mean by being born again or born from above. The Spirit of God came within you and made you spiritually conscious. So in the same way that you were physically alive. And you could respond to physical stimuli. So you were emotionally alive.


Oct 9th, 2:00 PM

Birthmark: Session 3

Calvary chapel

...The first one was that your sins were forgiven. But like I said, God did not want to have a relationship with forgiven spiritual corpse. So therefore he did a second thing at the moment. You believed you were what regenerated. You were made spiritually alive. That's what we mean by being born again or born from above. The Spirit of God came within you and made you spiritually conscious. So in the same way that you were physically alive. And you could respond to physical stimuli. So you were emotionally alive.