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2 Kings 6

Presenter Information

Jill Briscoe


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...I want to talk from Two Kings, Chapter Six about a student, because when I'm among students, I like to know where in the Bible we've got an example of somebody, and of course, there's a marvelous example of a young student here. And I want to allegorize or whatever this story. But I just want to take a little look behind the scenes because when you open your Bible, it's awfully sad if you don't do that, you ought to ask all sorts of wild questions. That's the way to keep the Bible study exciting.

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Oct 11th, 8:30 AM

2 Kings 6


...I want to talk from Two Kings, Chapter Six about a student, because when I'm among students, I like to know where in the Bible we've got an example of somebody, and of course, there's a marvelous example of a young student here. And I want to allegorize or whatever this story. But I just want to take a little look behind the scenes because when you open your Bible, it's awfully sad if you don't do that, you ought to ask all sorts of wild questions. That's the way to keep the Bible study exciting.