Presentation Title

Lord, I believe, but How Much Faith Does it Take?

Presenter Information

Bingham W. Hunter, Biola University


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...I'm convinced that a profound problem which exists in the evangelical church today relates to understanding what prayer is. Most people that I talk to think that prayer is a way to have God give you what you want. A way to have God give you what we want. I become convinced in reading the scripture that it works differently. That prayer is a means, not the only one, but a means which God uses to give us what He wants.

Hunter_LordIBelieveBut.pdf (247 kB)


Oct 17th, 11:00 AM

Lord, I believe, but How Much Faith Does it Take?


...I'm convinced that a profound problem which exists in the evangelical church today relates to understanding what prayer is. Most people that I talk to think that prayer is a way to have God give you what you want. A way to have God give you what we want. I become convinced in reading the scripture that it works differently. That prayer is a means, not the only one, but a means which God uses to give us what He wants.