Presentation Title

Healing And Our Distorted Concepts Of God: Session 3

Presenter Information

David A. Seamands


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Calvary chapel


Part of the matter that we are talking about, the counseling, healing process for those who have damaged love receptors, distorted, twisted concepts of God, we talked about on I think, page two, one, two, maybe four and five, something like that. And we reserved the central point there. And that is a true understanding of forgiveness.


Oct 14th, 10:00 AM

Healing And Our Distorted Concepts Of God: Session 3

Calvary chapel

Part of the matter that we are talking about, the counseling, healing process for those who have damaged love receptors, distorted, twisted concepts of God, we talked about on I think, page two, one, two, maybe four and five, something like that. And we reserved the central point there. And that is a true understanding of forgiveness.