Presentation Title

Growing in Christ

Presenter Information

Alistair Begg


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Sutherland Auditorium


...I'm going to expound the 15th chapter of John beginning now and finishing tomorrow afternoon...Now, we're at this particular portion of scripture here this afternoon because going deeper into Jesus Love, which is the theme under which these meetings have been convened, is directly related to our willingness to allow the word of God to dwell in us. Richling that there is a direct correlation between the hearing and the obeying and the applying of the word of God and a genuine, deepening, growing experience of the love of Christ. Indeed, so much so that no one can claim realistically to be growing in a love for Christ without simultaneously deepening in a love for and in a submission to the Word of God. It very possible for us to conceive of the love of the Lord Jesus in a way that is so sort of existential or is so immediate in terms of how we feel that we may be tempted to believe that we can experience it, as it were, in a corner in isolation from the instruction of the word of God.


Oct 21st, 2:00 PM

Growing in Christ

Sutherland Auditorium

...I'm going to expound the 15th chapter of John beginning now and finishing tomorrow afternoon...Now, we're at this particular portion of scripture here this afternoon because going deeper into Jesus Love, which is the theme under which these meetings have been convened, is directly related to our willingness to allow the word of God to dwell in us. Richling that there is a direct correlation between the hearing and the obeying and the applying of the word of God and a genuine, deepening, growing experience of the love of Christ. Indeed, so much so that no one can claim realistically to be growing in a love for Christ without simultaneously deepening in a love for and in a submission to the Word of God. It very possible for us to conceive of the love of the Lord Jesus in a way that is so sort of existential or is so immediate in terms of how we feel that we may be tempted to believe that we can experience it, as it were, in a corner in isolation from the instruction of the word of God.