Presentation Title

Pursuing a Passion for Christ Part 2

Presenter Information

Erik Thoennes, Biola University


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Session Number

Main Session


Chase gym


Well, we've been talking this week about pursuing a passion for Christ, something that we can't manipulate and control, but something that God wants for us, something that we go to him for. And today, I want to think about pursuing a passion for Christ by depending on Christ proclaiming Christ obeying Christ. And today I want to think about pursuing a passion for Christ by depending on Christ.


Oct 19th, 12:09 AM

Pursuing a Passion for Christ Part 2

Chase gym

Well, we've been talking this week about pursuing a passion for Christ, something that we can't manipulate and control, but something that God wants for us, something that we go to him for. And today, I want to think about pursuing a passion for Christ by depending on Christ proclaiming Christ obeying Christ. And today I want to think about pursuing a passion for Christ by depending on Christ.