Presentation Title

Surprising Power of Forgiveness

Presenter Information

Gary Friesen

Session Number

Session D


Chase gym


True forgiveness is only possible when we return to God's grace. Forgiveness does not mean that we excuse the wrong committed against us. Forgiveness does not mean that we forget the wrong entirely. Forgiveness means that we return God's grace.

As followers of Christ, forgiveness is intended to flow from us. When others see us giving grace instead of holding a grudge, they will see the light of Christ in how we behave in relationships.

Streaming Media


Oct 15th, 3:00 PM

Surprising Power of Forgiveness

Chase gym

True forgiveness is only possible when we return to God's grace. Forgiveness does not mean that we excuse the wrong committed against us. Forgiveness does not mean that we forget the wrong entirely. Forgiveness means that we return God's grace.

As followers of Christ, forgiveness is intended to flow from us. When others see us giving grace instead of holding a grudge, they will see the light of Christ in how we behave in relationships.