Digital Commons @ Biola - Torrey Memorial Bible Conference: Anticipating the Kingdom

Presentation Title

Anticipating the Kingdom

Presenter Information

Karen Ellis

Session Number

Main session #1


After Lunde focused on awareness, Reformed Theological Seminary fellow, Karen Ellis expanded on the “Kingdom” theme as she highlighted the original identity of Christians as “God’s people.” Ellis pointed to the covenant promise of perfection “with Christ in glory.” Karen A. Ellis, Writer and Speaker, shares about anticipating the Kingdom of God during this presentation at one of the main sessions of Torrey Conference on October 10, 2018.

Streaming Media


Oct 10th, 10:00 AM

Anticipating the Kingdom

After Lunde focused on awareness, Reformed Theological Seminary fellow, Karen Ellis expanded on the “Kingdom” theme as she highlighted the original identity of Christians as “God’s people.” Ellis pointed to the covenant promise of perfection “with Christ in glory.” Karen A. Ellis, Writer and Speaker, shares about anticipating the Kingdom of God during this presentation at one of the main sessions of Torrey Conference on October 10, 2018.