Evil & the Evidence For God: The Challenge of John Hick's Theodicy
R. Douglas Geivett
How to reconcile the existence of evil with the belief in a benevolent God has long posed a philosophical problem to the system of Christian theism. This work redress this difficulty in modern terms.
Faith, film and philosophy : big ideas on the big screen
R. Douglas Geivett
Ch. 4 Escaping into reality / Geivett p. 71-88
"Those who tell stories rule society." Plato So who today are our principal storytellers? Not philosophers, but filmmakers. For those who know both the enormous entertainment potential and the culture-shaping power of film, this book will stir mind and imagination. For great stories freight world-sized ideas, ideas worthy of contemplation and conversation. Great cinema inspires wonder. But another philosopher, Aristotle, reminds us that wonder is the true source of philosophy. So perhaps Plato or Aristotle might have a shot at ruling society, even today--if they took an interest in film. These fourteen essays consider classic and current films together with several major philosophical themes, all within the context of Christian faith: (1) the human condition, (2) the human mind and the nature of knowing, (3) the moral life, and (4) faith and religion. Citizen Kane, Big Fish and Pretty Woman contribute to an in-depth consideration of the human condition. The Truman Show, The Matrix, Being John Malkovich and It's a Wonderful Life, among others, illuminate reflection on the human mind and the nature of knowing. Looking at the moral life, contributors interact with such notable films as Pleasantville, Bowling for Columbine, Mystic River and The Silence of the Lambs. The final section pursues the theme of faith and religion traced through a number of Hong Kong martial arts films, Contact, 2001: A Space Odyssey and U2's music documentary Rattle and Hum. A veritable film festival for all those who want to nurture the wonder of philosophical inquiry and the love of Christian theology through an engagement with the big ideas on the big screen.
R. Douglas Geivett
Chapter 46
There are deep and pervasive disagreements today in universities and colleges, and popular culture in general, over the credibility and value of belief in God. This has given rise to an urgent need for a balanced, comprehensive, accessible resource book that can inform the public and scholarly debate over theism. While scholars with as diverse interests as Daniel Dennett, Terry Eagleton, Richard Dawkins, Jürgen Habermas, and Rowan Williams have recently contributed books to this debate, "theism" as a concept remains poorly understood and requires a more thorough and systematic analysis than it has so far received in any single volume. The Routledge Companion to Theism addresses this need by investigating theism's history as well as its relationship to inquiry in the sciences, social sciences, and humanities, and to its wider cultural contexts.
The contents are not confined within the philosophy of religion or even within the more expansive borders of philosophy. Rather, The Routledge Companion to Theism investigates its subject through the lens of a wide variety of disciplines and explores the ramifications of theism considered as a way of life as well as an intellectual conviction. The five parts of the volume indicate its inclusive scope: I. What is Theism?; II. Theism and Inquiry; III. Theism and the Socio-Political Realm; IV. Theism and Culture; V. Theism as a Way of Life. The result is a well ordered and thorough collection that should provide a wide spectrum of readers with a better understanding of a subject that's much discussed, but frequently misunderstood. As the editors note in their Introduction, while stimulating and informing the contemporary debate, a key aim of the volume is to open new avenues of inquiry into theism and thereby to encourage further research into this vital topic.
Comprised of 54 essays by leading scholars in philosophy, history, theology, religious studies, political science, education and sociology, The Routledge Companion to Theism promises to be the most useful, comprehensive resource on an emerging subject of interest for students and scholars.
God's super-apostles : encountering the worldwide prophets and apostles movement
R. Douglas Geivett
A new religious movement -- led by apostles and prophets -- has confused people, divided churches, and strained families as people are forced to make painful choices between those they love and what they believe to be the truth of God's Word. This global movement is known as the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR). Although people may not know this movement by its formal name, they are probably familiar with its leaders, like Rick Joyner (MorningStar Ministries in Fort Mill, South Carolina), Bill Johnson (Bethel Church in Redding, California), and Mike Bickle (International House of Prayer in Kansas City, Missouri). Likewise, NAR practices -- such as "prayerwalking," "healing rooms," and "24/7 prayer rooms" -- have permeated churches throughout the world. Read this book for a biblical response to the NAR movement and to learn how its teachings deviate from historic Pentecostal and charismatic teachings.
New Apostolic Reformation? : a biblical response to a worldwide movement
R. Douglas Geivett
This critique provides a framework for understanding and interpreting the widespread but little-known New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) movement. As the authors state in the preface: "We write this book with two major goals in mind. First, to give people an idea of the sheer size and reach of the NAR movement. And second, to systematize its key teachings and practices and evaluate them on the basis of Scripture and careful reasoning … . In our judgment, the NAR perspective crosses these boundaries [that is, certain broad parameters, revealed in Scripture and practiced in the historical orthodox church], and it does so in part because of flawed theology rooted in a flawed understanding of Scripture. We wish to warn readers about a possible confusion: Some critics have linked the NAR movement with mainstream Pentecostalism and charismatics. We do not do this. In fact, it is our contention that the NAR movement deviates from classical Pentecostal and charismatic teachings. This movement has emerged out of independent charismatic churches and, thus, has gained a foothold in many of those churches in varying degrees."
Religious diversity and the futility of neutrality
R. Douglas Geivett
Chapter 9
This volume highlights points of agreement and disagreement on the subject of religious pluralism. The dialogue partners in the discussion are Paul F. Knitter, Paul Tillich Professor of Theology, World Religions, and Culture at Union Theological Seminary, and Harold A Netland, professor of Mission and Evangelism and director of Intercultural Studies at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School in Deerfield, Illinois.
A transcript of the March 2009 Point-Counterpoint event between Knitter and Netland allows the reader to see how each presents his position in light of the others, as well as their responses to selected audience questions.
Models of Christian Witness in Health Care
Anne Gewe
This book is intended to be of practical value for the health care practitioner seeking to view professional practice as a wholistic ministry which addresses spiritual, physical, emotional and socio-cultural aspects of health and illness. It is divided into three sections.
Dogmatic theology 3rd edition
Alan W. Gomes
Production of this edition of Shedd's monumental Domatic Theology.
Women, Entrepreneurship, and Empowerment : Black-owned Township Tourism in Cape Town, South Africa
Katrina T. Greene
Chapter 9
Perfecting the constitution : the case for the article v amendment process.
Darren Patrick Guerra
He who can change the Constitution controls the Constitution. So who does control the Constitution? The answer has always been: “the people.” The people control the Constitution via the Article V amending process outlined in the Constitution itself. Changes can only be made through Article V and its formal procedures. Article V has always provided a means of perfecting the Constitution in an explicit, democratically authentic, prudent, and deliberative manner. In addition to changing the Constitution Article V also allowed the people to perfect and preserve their Constitution at the same time. In recent years Article V has come under attack by influential legal scholars who criticize it for being too difficult, undemocratic, and too formal. Such scholars advocate for ignoring Article V in favor of elite adaptation of the Constitution or popular amendment through national referendums. In making their case, critics also assume that Article V is an unimportant and expendable part of the Constitutional structure. One notable scholar called the Constitution “imbecilic” because of Article V. This book shows that, to the contrary, Article V is a unique and powerful extension of the American tradition of written constitutionalism. It was a logical extension of American constitutional development and it was a powerful tool used by the Federalists to argue for ratification of the new Constitution. Since then it has served as a means of “perfecting” the US Constitution for over 200 years via a wide range of amendments. Contrary to contemporary critics, the historical evidence shows Article V to be a vital element in the Constitutional architecture, not an expendable or ancillary piece. This book defends Article V against critics by showing that it is neither too difficult, undemocratic, nor too formal. Furthermore, a positive case is made that Article V remains the most clear and powerful way to register the sovereign desires of the American public with regard to alterations of their fundamental law. In the end, Article V is an essential bulwark to maintaining a written Constitution that secures the rights of the people against both elites and themselves.
Preserving America’s written constitution: Federal courts and president reagan’s defense of ordered liberty
Darren Patrick Guerra
Chapter 5
This book examines how Ronald Reagan’s electrifying 1964 televised speech, “A Time For Choosing,” ignited the conservative movement within the GOP. Ronald Reagan’s televised speech, or what many conservatives today simply call “The Speech,” was a call for action, telling Americans that now was “A Time for Choosing.” “The Speech” catapulted Reagan into national politics, the California governorship, and ultimately the presidency. The themes of the speech, including anti-Communism, strong national defense, and the need to protect the average American from taxes and bureaucracy, ignited the conservative movement in the GOP, resulting over time in the sidelining of the more liberal, establishment wing of the Republican Party. The contributors in this edited volume show how Ronald Reagan’s “coming out” speech on the national stage helped set the political agenda for the next three decades.
Scientist's perspective on disease and death
Richard S. Gunasekera
Chapter 15 p. 156+
In a suffering world reeling from global pandemics and health disparities, it is high time to think theologically about the devastating experience of disease, and to address our God-inspired responsibility to understand its origins and engage in its management. In a fragmented world, we need a unifying and integrated perspective on people in communities embedded in a fractured ecology. In an academic world blind to the spiritual world and imbalanced toward technical solutions, the global church must articulate a contemporary metanarrative that is moral, practical, and deeply transformational. All Creation Groans brings together multiple perspectives for a compelling global-health approach to the pathologies of the world as a part of the missio Dei. The authors paint a unifying perspective on God’s healing intentions in creation, redemption, and consummation, and the opposing nature-corrupting effects of the rebellion of created moral agents. It is a fresh call for the global church to engage in aligning with God’s healing action for eternally sustainable global health.
Confessions of a tortoise : slow steps on the integration journey
M. Elizabeth Lewis Hall
Coming from different perspectives and experiences, reflecting gender and ethnic diversity, these prominent psychologists tell about their spiritual, personal and professional journeys of interrelating their faith and profession. In this book we hear about the developmental issues, the sense of calling and the early career insights that shaped their paths. They recount the importance that significant relationships had on their understanding of Christian integration, especially noting the influence of mentors. Struggles and doubts are common human experiences, and the contributors openly share the stresses they encountered to encourage others with similar issues. On a day-to-day basis, we see how spiritual disciplines and the Christian community assist them in their work and in their understanding. Finally, each writer offers a personal note with lessons learned and hard-won wisdom gained.
Developmental theory of embodiment: Implications for treatment and prevention of eating disorders
M. Elizabeth Lewis Hall
Chapter 5 p. 76-89
This is an insightful and essential new volume for academics and professionals interested in the lived experience of those who struggle with disordered eating. Embodiment and Eating Disorders situates the complicated – and increasingly prevalent – topic of disordered eating at the crossroads of many academic disciplines, articulating a notion of embodied selfhood that rejects the separation of mind and body and calls for a feminist, existential, and sociopolitically aware approach to eating disorder treatment. Experts from a variety of backgrounds and specializations examine theories of embodiment, current empirical research, and practical examples and strategies for prevention and treatment.
Finding a home in academia : gender equity at CCCU institution
M. Elizabeth Lewis Hall
The editors compiled responses to quantitative and open-ended questions on topics from pedagogy and politics to faith learning integration; they then made that data available to nearly thirty scholars who have turned their considered responses into chapters that are now organized into seven book sections, covering topics in gender, evolution, faith, learning, scholarship, and race/ethnicity.
Integration in the therapy room : an overview of the literature
M. Elizabeth Lewis Hall
The conversational ball bounces back and forth between abstract philosophical questions that remain unsolved after centuries of examination and therapeutic and ethical questions that must be answered in the here-and now.
Married women in missions : the effects of role expectations on well - being and self - esteem
M. Elizabeth Lewis Hall
Structuring the scholarly imagination : strategies for Christian engagement with the disciplines
M. Elizabeth Lewis Hall
Ten eminent scholars grapple with such questions in this volume. They offer deep and thought-provoking discussions of the habits and commitments of the Christian scholar, the methodology and pedagogy of Christian scholarship, the role of the Holy Spirit in education, Christian approaches to art and literature, and more.
Suffering as formation : the hard road to glory
M. Elizabeth Lewis Hall
Contributors address spiritual, emotional, and psychological formation, while highlighting how suffering has the potential to draw one closer to God and others. The book also details vocational development, appropriate stewardship of the physical body, and the ways in which the Eucharist sacramentally contributes to the process of formation.
Use and misuse of psychological assessment in missionary candidate evaluations
M. Elizabeth Lewis Hall
Training therapists to address spiritual concerns in clinical practice and research
M. Elizabeth Lewis Hall and Todd W. Hall
In this text, practical strategies, techniques, and examples are used to show how spirituality can influence each stage of treatment from before the clinical intake, starting with an understanding of ethical practice guidelines and therapist self-awareness, through termination.
Theological perspectives on trauma : human flourishing after the fall
M. Elizabeth Lewis Hall and Rick Langer
Key essays representing the latest psychological research on trauma from a Christian integration perspective. Students, instructors, clinicians, and researchers alike will find here
- an overview of the kinds of traumatic experiences
- coverage of treatment methods, especially those that incorporate spirituality
- material to critically analyze as well as emotionally engage trauma
- theoretical bases for trauma treatment and interventions
- references for further consideration and empirical research
Attachment psychotherapy and God image
Todd W. Hall
Leading clinicians and researchers from various disciplines offer expert insight and analysis to provide therapists with in-depth understanding of the God image.
Connection Culture: The Competitive Advantage of Shared Identity, Empathy, and Understanding at Work
Todd W. Hall
ap Into the Power of Human Connection Creating a thriving organization where employees feel valued, the environment is energized, and high productivity and innovation are the norm requires a new kind of leader who fosters a culture of connection within the organization. Connection Culture, 2nd Edition, is your game-changing opportunity to become that leader and to begin fostering a connection culture in your organization. Stop undermining performance and take the first step toward change that will give your organization, your team, and everyone you lead a true competitive advantage. Inspiring and practical, this book challenges you to set the performance bar high and keep reaching. Learn how to: • Foster a connection culture.• Emulate best practices of connected teams―from Mayo Clinic physicians and scientists to the creators of the award-winning Broadway musical Hamilton.• Boost vision, value, and voice within your organization. Published in the shadow of the COVID-19 pandemic, the book messages the authors' hope for post-traumatic growth; provides updated, research-supported theories about the relationship of stress and loneliness; and includes new examples and profiles of great leaders communicating during crisis.
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